The recommended ages for hair transplantation are generally between 25 and 65 years of age. The early 20s are not recommended because the patient tends to lose hair with age, even after transplantation, and over the age of 65 because the wound healing process is weak and insufficient.

Depending on the number of grafts to be transferred, you can expect the hair transplant to take between 4 and 10 hours. If you are having a large amount of hair transplanted, this period may take longer or you may need to come back for a few hours the next day. Most patients remain awake throughout the entire surgery and only need an anesthetic to numb the scalp.

Normally, sterile stainless steel tipped blades are used in hair transplant surgeries. Grafts taken from the donor area with the FUE technique are placed in pre-opened channels in the spilled area. In the sapphire technique, the channels where the grafts will be placed are opened with sapphire-tipped blades. There is no scientifically proven difference between steel-tipped or sapphire-tipped knives. The choice depends entirely on the hair surgeon’s technique.

Even if the hair transplant procedure only takes place in the top layers of skin, the treatment is not completely painless.

During the operation you will receive local anesthesia or, if you wish, you will be placed in twilight sleep. In the first 24 hours after waking up, you can usually expect slight pain at the donor site. How intense the pain is perceived depends on the transplant technique used and the patient's personal level of pain. However, you will be given medication for pain that can be taken as needed.

Hair loss may occur due to hormonal and nutritional factors, exposure to chemical substances, genetic predisposition, systemic diseases, hair development disorders, medications, psychological stress and scalp diseases. In a healthy person, hair loss can last up to 2 months. Hair loss that repeats 3 times a year and exceeds 2 months may be a sign of some serious diseases and may require a dermatologist help. Hair loss usually begins 3-4 months after the triggering factor and can return to normal 6-12 months after these factors are treated.

Despite the low risk of complications, hair transplantation is a surgical treatment that, like all medical procedures, is associated with a certain residual risk.

For example, hair transplantation creates several small wounds on the skin scalp. As with any other wound, infections and inflammation can occur, especially if the wound is not cared for properly. However, this risk is relatively low because the wounds are very small and a hair transplant is carried out under sterile conditions.

Very rarely, intolerance to the anesthetic can occur. Allergies and intolerances are always clarified by a specialist beforehand.

In addition to pain, other harmless side effects can also occur. These include small swellings in the forehead and eye area, itching, redness and numbness. However, these side effects are signs of normal wound healing and usually disappear within the first few weeks after treatment. The duration and intensity of these side effects also depend on numerous individual factors of the patient, such as nicotine consumption, metabolism, skin type and diet.

In order to optimally support wound healing and keep side effects as low as possible, careful care and treatment of the transplanted area and the donor area is essential. This particularly includes protecting the scalp by using special care products and shampoo and avoiding wool hats and other foreign bodies on the head. You should also not rub, scratch or fiddle with the wound in any other way. If you have any complaints about the wound or are unsure about the healing process, it is best to contact your specialist.

Everyone normally has between 75,000 and 150,000 hairs on their head. Hair loss of up to 100 hairs per day is completely normal. Blonde people have finer hair on average, but they also have the most hair, namely a full 150,000 hairs. Black-haired people and brunettes have thicker hair on their heads, around 100,000, while red-haired people have to make do with around 90,000 hairs. Every human hair has its own growth rhythm.

Which foods help with hair health?

Salmon which is very rich in protein and vitamin D (essential for strong hair) and makes it the star of our hearts, is the omega-3 fatty acids it contains.

Egg. ...

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) hair transplantation is a popular procedure in Turkey due to its affordability, high-quality clinics, and skilled surgeons. Clinics in cities like Istanbul offer competitive prices and advanced techniques, attracting patients from around the world. It's essential to research reputable clinics, read reviews, and consult with experienced surgeons before making a decision. Additionally, consider factors like post-operative care and follow-up appointments when planning your procedure.

There are numerous FUE hair transplantation clinics in Turkey, particularly in major cities like Istanbul, Ankara, and Izmir. The exact number may vary as new clinics open and others close or merge. It's a thriving industry in Turkey, known for its medical tourism in the field of hair transplantation. It's advisable to research and choose a reputable clinic with experienced surgeons and positive patient reviews.

The average price of FUE hair transplantation in Turkey can vary depending on factors such as the clinic's reputation, location, surgeon's experience, and the number of grafts needed. Generally, prices range from $2000 to $8000 in Turkey. The clinics may offer package deals that include accommodation and transportation. It's essential to inquire about all costs involved, including pre-operative assessments and post-operative care, to avoid any surprises.

In the weeks following a hair transplantation procedure, it's common for the transplanted hairs to shed. This is a natural part of the process and occurs as the transplanted follicles enter a dormant phase before regrowing new hair. While some shedding is expected, the transplanted follicles typically remain intact beneath the scalp, and new hair growth begins within a few months. It's important to follow post-operative care instructions provided by the surgeon to support optimal healing and hair growth.

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